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What are you putting in your viewfinder? How does what you put in your view reflect in you life?

Finding a Better View

In photography, the viewfinder is simply the piece you look through to see what you are trying to photograph. The viewfinder works by the light that passes through the lens and bounces off the reflex mirror and prism in your camera. This can be compared to how Christians should live in their faith.

We have to be careful with what we have to put in our personal viewfinders. We should strive to reflect Christ in our everyday lives, which starts with what we put in front of us. What we view then reflects directly off our "prism" or lives. Today, take the time to think about what you have been putting in front of you. Whether this is drugs, alcohol, inappropriate images, or even TV shows, what you view is gonna be what reflects back into your life, and your faith. Whatever you are pointing the camera at, is what you are gonna see, so what is in your viewfinder?

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