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Patience in the Storm

Updated: Sep 15, 2018

Being a photographer, you have to have something I refer to as extreme patience. One of the most time consuming things to photograph is lightning. Waiting for the perfect moment for a photograph is not always the easiest or the most fun, but the outcome is worth it.

Just as I have to be patient in photography we also have to be patient in our walk with Christ.

Waited at least an hour to get this one photo. Texas Lightning Storm, Long exposure

Being Patient in the FaithTaking these kinds of photos can be time-consuming, irritating, frustrating and make you anxious. In the same way, these similar emotions can come through when we are called to be patient in our faith. Sometimes you ask God for something such as an answer, a reason, or maybe an open door, and he is not always quick to answer in our time. But, his timing is perfect and good, so the wait is worthwhile with God. It is so hard to be patient in this day and age. Most people don't like to wait on anything, from lines at Chick-Ful-a to a response to a text message. However, as a virtue of the spirit, we are called to be slow to anger and to be patient in trying times just as God is with us. This is not an easy task, but doing this can open your eyes to the understanding the Lord has for us. On the other hand, not having patience can cause you more stress, and cause you to possibly miss out on a lesson or a blessing God has for you. Just like me waiting on a lightning strike and constantly clicking the button, getting me nothing but 200 pictures of the dark sky. Instead, I have to wait, watch, and listen, for the perfect moment to capture something amazing.

Other Examples of Patient Photography:

Brave the Storms

Be patient, because the Lord has great things in store, and he will never give you something you can't handle. He knows what storms you have faced, are facing, and will face in our lives, and he calls us to be patient in all things... "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." Ecclesiastes 1:3 ESV

So, have patience in the storm, it may be a wild, long, and trying, but you can get through it as long as you have patience and faith in Gods plan for your life.

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